Institutional context Of Indonesia and Bulukamba

Posted by Restorasi Gambut on

Indonesia is very responsive about integrated climate change issues into national development plan. For that, Indonesia has established some regulations as follows; National Adaptation Action Plan on Climate Change (RAN-API) by National Development Planning Agency in 2012. RAN-API is an important input into the development of the Government Annual Plan as well as the National Medium-Term Development Plan for 2015-2019 (RPJMN) to be more responsive of climate change effects. One of the important targets is in coastal and small island sector. In this action plan, gender mainstreaming also become consideration and priority areas for integrating in climate change adaptation.

Moreover, there is Laws of Indonesian Republic about management of coastal areas and small islands on the Act No. 27/2007, in conjunction with Act 1/2014. The purpose of this Act is to protect, conserve, rehabilitate, use, and enrich resources in coastal areas and small islands in a sustainable way, as well as empower communities living in coastal areas and small islands. 

Other regulation is the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 33/2016 on Guidelines for the Preparation of Climate Change Adaptation Action. The regulation aims to provide guidelines for local governments and related stakeholders in preparing climate change adaptation actions and to integrate them into local development plan and/or specific sectors, as mentioned in the Article 3, section 1: about coastal and small island (point f), and in the Article 4: about steps for making adaptation action plan, among others: (a) Identification of target areas and/or specific sectors, and issues about climate change impact; (b) Arrange the vulnerability and climate risk assessment; (c) Arrange the options of adaptation action on climate change; (d) Priority setting adaptation action on climate change; (e) Integrate the climate change adaptation action into policies, plans, and/or development program.

Government of Bulukumba has adopting the Climate Change Adaptation Action into Mid Term Regional Development Plan. Several important missions as follows; Land-use planning, environmental and natural resources preservation, culture and disaster risk reduction. There are two strategies; (1) strengthened cooperation among local government and institutions related to disaster risk reduction, and (2) increasing facilities and infrastructure to support disaster preparedness. 

There are some activities to support this mission, which are; (1) rehabilitation of source of a fresh-water and rehabilitation of border river; (2) establish the five community groups to manage the Climate Village named ‘Kampung Iklim’; (3) rehabilitation of five coastal areas with mangrove, coral reef rehabilitations and transplantation, and make one fish-breeding center; (4) provide for a potential disaster database of ten sub-districts in Bulukumba to increase awareness of disaster control efforts.

To support this mission, several agencies have sectoral strategic plan. Environmental Agency focus on strategic plan such as; (1) Rehabilitation of source of a fresh-water and rehabilitation of border river; (2) Establish the five community groups to manage the Climate Village named ‘Kampung Iklim’; (3) Rehabilitation of five coastal areas with mangrove, coral reef rehabilitations and transplantation, and make one fish-breeding center. For Climate Village program, government of Bulukumba by Environmental Agency actively socialize this program entire Bulukumba regency. This campaign started in Salassae Village that get appreciation from central government in 2017. This event also declarated ‘Climate Village Forum’, as a place to communicate and coordinate in environmental sector, especially to face impact of climate change by adaptation and mitigation actions. 

Government of Bulukumba also established Disaster Regional Management Agency (BPBD). This agency also has strategic plan that is provide for a potential disaster database of ten sub-districts in Bulukumba to increase awareness of disaster control efforts. This agency can provide data from community level and regional level and coordinate to apply disaster risk mitigation by communities. 

For Marine and Fisheries Agency of Bulukumba. Since 2017, focus development of this sectoral plan are; (1), To develop production infrastructure to support food souveregenity, (2). To make coastal and sea-use zoning plan, (3). To develop coastal and small islands area, (4) To Handle Ilegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) Fishing. (5). Development of fishing facilities, cultivation and prossecing. (6). Develop of Marine Services. 

At the community level, with the Law No. 6/2014 about Village Regulation. The wide opportunity for sustainability funding and actions are provided if the climate change adaptation is integrated into village development planning. It is mean they can take realistic actions by themselves and for themselves. 

For the socio-economic, to empower the woman group, government of Bulukumba also consistent   to promote growth and economic equality of various sectors and areas. The sectoral strategies are: (1) Increasing source of poor people’s income; (2) Empowering business groups of poor people; (3) Increasing quality of micro, small, and medium business productions. (3) Increasing quality of gender mainstreaming, protection women and child, along with social welfare; (4) Conducting the integrated development plan, participative, accountable, and gender responsive. 

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