Adaptation Strategy Indonesia

Posted by Restorasi Gambut on

Indonesia aims to reduce the vulnerability of its economy and community to adverse impacts of climate change that are already occurring. At the same time, Indonesia intends to prepare its national and local institutions, as well as vulnerable communities, for the possible future impacts of climate change. These preparations will include measures to increase adaptive capacity through improved planning, enhance resource management, and expand coordination to deal with inter-sectoral and cross-cutting issues.

Indonesia has established the Indonesia Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap (ICCSR 2010 - 2030) ) to set its national goals, sectoral targets, milestones and priorities for actions with regards to adaptation and mitigation of climate change for all affected sectors of the economy.

To deal with and to minimize the impact of climate change, Indonesia shall concentrateon activities based on following strategies :

1. To enhance knowledge about the hazard and impacts of climate change to the ecosystem and community’s livelihood
2. To integrate the climate change issues into the national and regional development planning
3. To integrate the climate change issues in the spatial planning of the urban, rural areas and, and small islands.
4. To build the capacity of the regional governments in formulating the strategies and climate change adaptation activities as well as to recognize, support, and facilitate smart adaptation efforts made by the community.
5. To develop and use technology to support the adaptation efforts and to improve community’s sustainability in dealing with climate change impacts, especially in order to increase food sustainability and health quality.
6. To increase the application of climate information in the activities of agriculture, fishery, health, water resources management and disaster management in order to increase community’s resilience in adapting to the climate change.
7. To formulatethe policies and protection tools for the most vulnerable groups of people who are not able to anticipate and adapt to the climate change.

Next, the priority of adaptation activity in each sector is determined in the context of facing the challenge, risk and vulnerability which is unique and distinct in each sector. The priority of adaptation activity in the sector of marine and fishery, health, agriculture, water resources and climate related disaster management is elaborated as follows:

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