Dialog Ekspresi

Expressing Complaining

Study the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Teacher: Could you read the text in front of the class, please.
Tia: Yes, sir.
(Walking to the front of the class, then reading a text)
Firman: Can you hear that?
Sahrul: Hear what?
Firman: Her voice. I can’t hear her voice.
Sahrul: Neither can I. But…
Teacher: Both of you! What are you discussing?
Firman: It’s about Tia, sir. Her voice is too quiet. We can’t hear her.
Teacher: You should have asked her to read louder rather than to talk to yourselves each other.
Firman&Sahrul: We are sorry, sir.
1. How many persons are there in the dialogue?
2. Who are they?
3. What are they doing?
4. What is Tia doing?
5. What are Firman and Sahrul talking about?
6. Are they complaining?
7. What do they say?
8. Mention other expressions of complaining or criticizing!
Do the exercise.
What do you say if:
1. You are in a bus which is full of passengers.
2. The meatball in the canteen is too salty.
3. There is a traffic jam on the way to school while it is already 7 a.m.
4. The new student speaks too loudly.
5. The development in your country is very slow.
6. The shop sells expensive shoes.
7. The bus comes two hours late.
8. Your sister lost your favourite jeans.
9. You find your room dirty.
10. You are thirsty but there is no water.

Mengekspresikan Mengeluh

Studi dialog berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan.
Guru: Bisakah Anda membaca teks di depan kelas, silahkan.
Tia: Ya, Pak.
(Berjalan ke depan kelas, kemudian membaca teks)
Firman: Dapatkah Anda dengar itu?
Sahrul: Dengar apa?
Firman: Suaranya. Saya tidak bisa mendengar suaranya.
Sahrul: Tidak dapat I. Namun ...
Guru: Kalian berdua! Apa yang kamu bicarakan?
Firman: Ini tentang Tia, Sir. Suaranya terlalu tenang. Kita tidak bisa mendengarnya.
Guru: Anda harus memiliki memintanya untuk membaca lebih keras daripada berbicaradengan diri sendiri satu sama lain.
Firman & Sahrul: Mohon maaf, Sir.
1. Berapa banyak orang yang ada di dialog?
2. Siapakah mereka?
3. Apa yang mereka lakukan?
4. Apa yang Tia lakukan?
5. Apa yang Firman dan Sahrul bicarakan?
6. Apakah mereka mengeluh?
7. Apa yang mereka katakan?
8. Sebutkan lain ekspresi mengeluh atau mengkritik!
Lakukan latihan.
Apa yang Anda katakan jika:
1. Anda berada di sebuah bus yang penuh penumpang.
2. The bakso di kantin terlalu asin.
3. Ada kemacetan lalu lintas di jalan ke sekolah ketika sedang sudah 7:00
4. Para mahasiswa baru berbicara terlalu keras.
5. Pembangunan di negara anda sangat lambat.
6. Toko ini menjual sepatu mahal.
7. Bus datang dua jam terlambat.
8. Kakakmu kehilangan jeans favorit Anda.
9. Anda menemukan kamar Anda kotor.
10. Anda haus tetapi tidak ada air.

Dialogue: Giving Advice

Mariona: Hi Clàudia, You look worried. What's the matter?
Clàudia: Er.. it's nothing.
Mariona: Is it the exam tomorrow? You shouldn't worry. You'll pass easily.
Clàudia: I know.
Mariona: Come on, tell me. What are you worried about?
Clàudia: OK... it's Mark. I think he has started smoking. I was talking to him yesterday about this topic and he says me that isn't smoking.
Mariona: That's serious. What are you going to do?
Clàudia: I'm not sure. I should tell someone. What do you think I should do?
Mariona: If I were you, I'd speak to his older sister. She's really friendly.
Clàudia: I've never met her. Can you com with me?
Mariona: Yes, of course. Let's go and find her.



Nanda has a problem. His girlfriend forbade him to follow the singing competition in Palma. Then, Nanda asked to Resti in school, how to solve the problem

Resti : Good morning, Nanda.
Nanda : Good morning, Resti. (Looks confused)
Resti : How are you, Nanda.
Nanda : I’m confused now.
Resti : Why?
Nanda : My girlfriend forbade me to follow the singing competition. If you
were me, what would you tell her?

Resti : I would say that the competition is very important to you, and instead,
the prize of the competition would you give to her

Nanda : That’s a good idea. I will do it. Thank you very much, Resti. Now i want
to go to canteen. See you.
Resti : You’re welcome. See you too.

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