Indonesia Adaptation Strategy in Marine and Fishery

Posted by Restorasi Gambut on

Geographically, Indonesia consists of islands and makes the country extremely vulnerable to climate change. Thousands of islands are in threat of subsidence and number of small islands have indeed sunken or are in the brink of subsidence. Moreover, socially the marine and fishery sector is dominated by fishermen and coastal community. The climate change affects the livelihood of this community in terms of fishing, for example. The unpredictable climate pattern has discouraged the fishermen to go out fishing thus resulting in declining income.

Indonesia’s Adaptation Strategy in marine and fishery sector consists of :
1. Physical adaptation at coastal areas and small islands through integrated management and environmental friendly physical engineering.
2. Residential areas management
3. Infrastructure and public facility management
4. Management of fishery resources, water resources, security and defense of the outermost islands
5. Integrated management of coastal areas, small islands and marine ecosystem
6. Developing policy, rules and institutional capacity

Indonesia has formulated five priority activities for adapting to climate change in marine and fishery sector in 2010-2030. Those activities have been chosen considering the extent of the impact which is already and is inflicting the marine and fishery sector up to the current moments. The selection of priority activities in sequence can be based on several criteria, among others are: level of effectiveness ( in responding to the potential impact of climate change), cost, feasibility, socio-cultural feasibility, competence in anticipating the existing impact, speed of implementation, as well as consistency with the policies of the central government and regional governments. These priority activities may be seen as present below.

Five Priority Activities on Climate Change Adaptation in Marine and Fishery Sector (ICCSR, 2010)
1. Formulating and or adjusting the regulations, policies, and institutional capacity of the marine and fishery sector in relation to climate change at coastal areas and small islands
2. Adjusting the elevation, strengthening building structure and essential facilities in coastal areas in relation to climate change
3. Adjusting the management of integrated sea-water fishery potential resources in relation to climate change
4. Adjusting the management of sea, estuary and fresh water fishery potential resources
5. Adjusting the management of strategic small islands in relation to climate change

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