Indonesia Adaptation Strategy at Water Resources

Posted by Restorasi Gambut on

The climate change adaptation strategy at water resources sector comprises:
1. prioritizing to meet the basic household needs especially in the water shortage areas, underdeveloped regions, and strategic areas;
2. managing the usage of deep water to meet the requirement of water supply and to accordingly improve the effort of water supply generated from surface water;
3. Building more water reservoirs as water supply, and optimizing the existing water supply through surveillance and maintenance.
4. Encouraging the participation of the private parties in the funding of water supply infrastructure construction especially in water distribution (conveyance system).
5. accelerating and complement the regulatory implementation of Law No. 7 of 2004
6. Building the capacity of the institutions involved in managing water resources in terms of communication, collaboration and coordination.
7. Increasing the participation and capacity of the community at the local level in managing water resources.
8. Collaboration between the government and the community in managing water resources.

The other risks at the water sector due to climate change are flood and drought. Nearly all Indonesian territories are prone to flood. Meanwhile, drought is increasingly occurring in Indonesia during the dry season. Therefore, knowledge on the vulnerability and risk in relation to water availability, flood and drought is the key to adaptation activity.
The development at water resources sector is aimed at managing water resources to meet the water requirement of households, urban community and industry. Indonesia implements eight (8) strategies in order to achieve the expected development.

To minimize the potential risk impact of climate change and its vulnerability toward water resources and water requirement of the community and industry, adaptation activity for water resources shall include data gathering, information system, research and capacity building, regulation and policy formulation. Several priority activities for adaptation at water resources sector are presented in the following table:

Priority Programs in the context of climate change adaptation at the water sector include :
1. Reviewing the vulnerability and risk of climate change at water sector at the regional level and strategic areas.
2. Increasing the capacity of reservoir and water infrastructure for the stability of water resources balance and water disaster prevention.
3. Increasing water availability at extremely vulnerable areas through effective technology and local water resources development.
4. Increasing water resources conservation and reducing the intensity of hazard and disaster due to climate change.
5. Reviving the local wisdoms, building capacity and participation of the community in climate change adaptation at water sector.

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